W. Martin Bloomer

W. Martin Bloomer


Ph.D., Yale University
M. Phil., Yale University
B.A., Yale University

247 O'Shaughnessy Hall
(574) 631-2324

Research Interest: Latin Literature, Ancient Rhetoric and Education

Frequently Teaches: Medieval Latin Survey

Bloomer’s chief areas of research lie in Roman literature, ancient rhetoric, and the history of education. His books include Valerius Maximus and the Rhetoric of the New Nobility (Chapel Hill 1993), Latinity and Literary Society at Rome (Philadelphia 1997), The Contest of Language (Notre Dame 2005), The School of Rome (Berkeley 2011), and A Companion to Ancient Education (Chichester and Malden, MA 2015).

Selected Publications:

The School of Rome: Latin Studies and the Origins of Liberal Education, University of California Press, 2011 

The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Ancient Education, editor, Wiley-Blackwell (2015)