Majors & Minors

The Department of Classics studies Greco-Roman Civilization from the Late Bronze Age to the disintegration of the Roman Empire and provides instruction in the ancient Greek and Latin languages, Greek and Roman literature, and the history, art, religion, philosophy, and archaeology of the Greco-Roman world. Homer’s Greece and Plato’s Athens, Cicero’s Rome, Vergil’s Italy, and Augustine’s Africa can be explored in two major courses of study and a variety of minor options.

Classics Major

Greek & Latin

Much can be learned from the texts of the Greco-Roman world in translation. More still can be gained from reading them in Latin and Greek. Even short exposure to these languages provides powerful tools for analyzing the original texts. With advanced study students enjoy unmediated contact with the writers of Greco-Roman antiquity. For these students the appreciation of a phrase in a letter of St. Paul, of an effect in a passage of Vergil, or of an important nuance in a dialogue of Plato are everyday experiences.

Greek and Roman Civilization Major

Classics Civilization

A broad survey of the literature and culture of Greece and Rome is provided by the Classical Civilizations Major. The Major in Classics adds a close study of the ancient languages.


New Globally Engaged Citizens program