Classics Colloquium, Fall 2017

Author: Olivia May

The Department of Classics will be holding a Classics Colloquium this fall. All talks will take place in 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall. Friday talks will be followed by snacks and drinks in 303 O'Shaughnessy.

Friday, September 29, 3pm: 

W. Martin Bloomer: "The Digital Schoolbook: Recovering a History of Education"


Thursday, November 2, 5pm:

Caroline Chong: "The Representation of Women in Roman Education in the Early Empire"


Friday, November 10, 3pm:

Aldo Tagliabue: "Experiencing the Divine in Apuleius' Cupid and Psyche"

Friday, December 1, 3:30pm:

Tadeusz Mazurek: "How to Bribe a Roman Jury"