Honors Students Present Their Senior Theses

Author: Department of Classics

Honors students and seniors Marissa Ray, Brendan Coyne, and Ann Gallagher presented their thesis research to the Department of Classics faculty and interested students last Friday. The Honors Track allows students to deepen their understanding of the Classics by undertaking a significant research project, and these students' completion of the process is an outstanding achievement. Their projects included the following:

Assessing the Post-partum Pangs of Women

through Soranus’ Gunaikeia

by Marissa Ray

Advisor: Prof. Elizabeth Mazurek


Libertas apud Saevitiam: How can a Good Man

Live Virtuously under a Tyrant?

Reading Tacitus' De Vita Julii Agricolae

by Brendan Coyne

Advisor: Prof. Brian Krostenko


Qui Profert Nova et Vetera: A Commentary on the

Carmen de Iona and its Place in the Biblical Epic Tradition

by Ann Gallagher

Advisor: Prof. Hildegund Muller