Mary McNulty

Author: Department of Classics

Eumachia Building

"Studying Classics at Notre Dame has expanded my perspective on both ancient and modern culture. In Classics courses, you are able to see how many aspects of the ancient world are enmeshed in modern society. Classics has also made me a more critical reader and writer through the study of language, archaeology, and history. I am very grateful for the Classics Department at Notre Dame as it has provided me two opportunities to study in Rome. In the spring of my junior year, I studied abroad at the ICCS in Rome, and I was able to put my study of Classics in its context. When I had class on site, it unified what I had learned in my Latin and archaeology courses. Nothing compares to discussing Roman topography while in the Roman forum. I was able to directly apply the skills I developed through my courses at Notre Dame while I was an intern for the Archaeological Study Collection at the American Academy in Rome. This summer, I was also in Rome as a program assistant for the Rome summer program and TA for the All Roads Lead to Rome course."


Mary McNulty is a senior Classics major.