Professor David Hernandez Awarded Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship

Author: Department of Classics

David Hernandez2

David Hernandez has been awarded a Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship from Harvard University. During a sabbatical leave supported by the prestigious fellowship, Hernandez will complete a monograph entitled The Archaeology of Butrint: From the Depths of the Roman Forum for Cambridge University Press. The book will examine and synthesize the results of more than a decade of fieldwork undertaken by Hernandez at the ancient Greco-Roman city of Butrint (Buthrotum), today a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in southern Albania.

As director of the Roman Forum Excavations (RFE) Project, Hernandez with his team has discovered the town square that was built by Roman colonists more than 2,000 years ago in the urban center. The study aims to show how the ancient seaport of Butrint, situated between Greece and Italy on the Ionian Sea, developed in response to the changing natural environment and to the enterprises of the rising powers of Greece, Macedonia, and Rome in the central Mediterranean.