Cameron Pywell

Author: Tom Hite

Cameron Pywell

Cameron, who double majored in biology and classics, went on to Baylor College of Medicine after graduation in 2013. 

"Latin has been useful for anatomy especially, and Greek has come up more in other coursework. For example, we were discussing thalassemia, and afterwards I asked the professor if it had anything to do with the sea, and he mentioned that it is more common in the Mediterranean area than elsewhere in the world. Yesterday, when we were discussing the epidemiology of herpes zoster virus, the cause of shingles, the professor had ζωστ'ηρ on the board and asked who could read Greek, so I raised my hand to answer, and, to my surprise, got a round of applause from the class. I mention this not to toot my own horn but to thank you again for such great preparation and to further the case for the Classics being relevant and useful in medical school, something to set students apart."