Philip Allen


Author: Tom Hite

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"Classics molds the way you think and approach different subjects and it helps you better articulate yourself and your arguments. Just as importantly, studying classics gives you an ability to understand the historical and cultural background to Western civilization."

Andrew Shearn


Author: Tom Hite

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"I love classics not only because it is an interesting subject to study, but also because the influence is timeless and evident everywhere still today."

Kristina Techar


Author: Tom Hite

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"I love classics because it is such a versatile subject."

Ann Gallagher


Author: Tom Hite

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Ann Gallagher is a senior classics and PLS double major who has had some amazing experiences abroad.

Sami Burr


Author: Tom Hite

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Sami Burr '16, a double major in classics and theology, is interested in the intricacies Greek and Latin theologians found to describe the mysteries of theology.

Tori Roeck


Author: Tom Hite

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From Epic Literature to epic travels, Tori has had a legendary experience majoring in Classics.

Cameron Pywell


Author: Tom Hite

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Cameron, who double majored in biology and classics, went on to Baylor College of Medicine after graduation in 2013 and wants "to further the case for the Classics being relevant and useful in medical school, something to set students apart."

Michael Kipp


Author: Tom Hite

"Studying Classics, like traveling abroad, lends new perspective to the way you view your native culture. As a classics major at Notre Dame, I’ve had the privilege of participating in both of those enlightening endeavors."

Tracy Jennings


Author: Tom Hite

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Classics major Tracy Jennings '10 won a prestigious Clarendon Scholarship to Oxford University. "This amazing postgraduate opportunity is a direct result of what I experienced at Notre Dame," she said.

Michael Wagner


Author: Tom Hite

"Studying in city of Classical importance – such as Rome, Athens, or Cairo – is absolutely essential for a Classics major at Notre Dame or any other university. It brings the history to life and it is essential to gaining a full appreciation for Classical Studies. As a student and as a person, it’s the best decision I’ve ever made."