
Exam week


Author: Sherry Reichold

Final Exam week, Dec. 10-14, 2018.

Video: Why top employers hire Notre Dame liberal arts majors


Author: Todd Boruff

College of Arts and Letters graduates find success in the business world in a variety of roles and industries. Major companies are seeking college graduates proficient in communication, analysis, empathy, and creative thinking — skills that all Arts and Letters develop through a broad liberal arts education. “There’s lots of different opportunities for liberal arts majors,” said Lindsey Jacob, university recruiting lead for Booz Allen Hamilton, a professional services firm. “Management consulting, process improvement, strategic communications, public policy work. You really are able to chart your own career.”


Aequora Program Wins Grant From Center for Social Concerns


Author: Brigid O'Keefe

The Notre Dame Aequora Program, headed by Prof. L. Grillo and Prof. T. Mazurek, has been awarded a grant from the Center for Social Concerns that will help support our students as they bring the study of Latin to the students of Clay International Academy. Specifically, this grant will be used to…

Aequora Program


Author: Brigid O'Keefe

Aequora Meeting

On Wednesday, November 15, the Classics Department hosted an informational meeting about our new Aequora Program for potential volunteers. The Aequora Program invites Classics students to volunteer and teach…

Q&A with Nikolas Churik, graduate student in Early Christian Studies


Author: Carrie Gates

In this Q&A, Nikolas Churik discusses how the Western tradition was shaped over time, why he was drawn to study late antiquity and the middle ages, and how Notre Dame's Early Christian Studies interdisciplinary master's program helped him land a spot in a Ph.D. program at Princeton. 

ECS Alumnus Josh Noble Receives Shaheen Award in the Humanities


Author: Department of Classics

Congratulations to Josh Noble, alumnus of the MA in Early Christian Studies program and current Ph.D. student in the Department of Theology, for successfully defending his dissertation and receiving the Shaheen Award in the Humanities this week.

Classics Club Hosts High School Certamen


Author: Olivia May

This March, the Notre Dame Classics Club hosted its annual spring Certamen, a competition in which students answer questions about the Latin language and Greek and Roman antiquity.

Perform at the Sound of Classics!


Author: Department of Classics

On Thursday April 12, 7-9 pm, the Department of Classics and Notre Dame Classics Club are hosting our somewhat annual Sound of Classics, a variety show featuring Classics-themed skits, musical and theatrical performances, Greek and Latin recitations, rap, and more!

Congratulations to Senior Thesis Writers


Author: Department of Classics

Congratulations to our senior thesis writers, who presented their work to the department last Friday.

Upcoming Visit by Dr. Franz Fischer


Author: Department of Classics

Dr. Franz Fischer, associate director of the Cologne Center for eHumanities, will be visiting the University from February 5 through 15 as part of the ongoing project in the Digital Schoolbook.

Saturnalia Celebration


Author: Department of Classics

This December, the Department of Classics and Classics Club celebrated the end of the fall semester with their annual Saturnalia party.

Arts and Letters students awarded funding for summer internships in medicine, law, finance, and art education


Author: Teagan Dillon

With skills forged in the classroom, Arts and Letters students are well prepared to tackle new opportunities and gain valuable real-world experience through summer internships. Through the Arts and Letters Summer Internship Program, Classics major Caitlyn Riley had the opportunity to work as an art and education intern at the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago.

Notre Dame Classics Well-Represented at CAMWS 2018


Author: Department of Classics

The 114th Annual Meeting of The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) will take place April 11-14, 2018, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The event will feature no less than five members of the Notre Dame Department of Classics – four graduate students and one faculty member.